God Calling Jesus Calling Love Calling
God CallingJesus CallingLove Calling

Three Awesome Books To Help You.... Be Still And Know He Is................God!  

God Calling

December 1932 Jesus spoke to Two Listeners

One was Anglican and the other Roman Catholic

1st printing was in 1935,  Edited by A. J. Russell

A classic 365 day devotional 

The story of the God Calling devotional book is very interesting.  You'll find the story of the authors, Two Listeners, in The Voice Divine.  You'll find the story of the editor, A. J. Russell, in The Story of the Book.


Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence

October 2004 by Sarah Young

365 Day Devotional

Inspired by Andrew Murray's The Secret of the Abiding Presence

The theme of this book is God’s Presence is meant to be a continual experience. Murray emphasizes the importance of spending time alone with God in quiet, uninterrupted communion. 


Order your copy now!

Love Calling, Finding True Peace in His Real Presence

31 Day Devotional – Edited and Reintroduced by Karen M. Rooney, OFS - 2016

Original Title : Visits To The Most Holy Sacrament Of The Altar. For Every Day In The Month.

Translated in 1892 from German to English by Rev. Augustine Mc Clory, OSF. The Original author was the Very Rev. P. Mauritius Klostermann, OSF, who died on  April 28, 1890.


Original Preface from 1892


The object of this little book is to foster piety and devotion in the hearts of the faithful. In a particular manner, to increase their love and veneration for our dear Lord in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.


It is a translation from the German of the Very Rev. P. Mauritius Klostermann, a Franciscan Father of the province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


The original was gotten up in such pure and simple style, so replete with childlike piety and open-hearted devotion to the Blessed Sacrament that I decided to make a literal translation, which was closely adhered to, as far as the idioms of the English language would permit.


The book cantains thirty-one visits; one for each day of the month. In order to derive fruit from these visits, they should be read in the spirit which they suggest, viz. love and veneration for the Blessed Sacrament.


In perusing books of devotion, we should bear in mind that we are seeking advancement and spiritual gain, and not the strained logic of the school-room-essay.


That these few pages may contribute, in their own little sphere, to make devotion to the Blessed Sacrament known, loved, and practiced, is the earnest desire of the






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Love Calling Foundation, LLC

Karen M. Rooney, OFS

Phone: 1-863-224-5919




Love Calling  -  Finding True Peace in His Real Presence A 31 Day Devotional for Eucharistic Adoration


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